Blog posts:
When do you know enough about a subject to start offering your opinion on it? I've been dabbling in the world of gaming and tech since I was first given a ZX Spectrum - back in the days when console gaming meant an Atari 2600 (still love Skydiver!).
I have a professional and family life and when I find the time to embark on a new project I haven't always found it easy to get the information I was hoping for, or a definitive view on what is the best kit for my needs.
Beanz on Tech is my tech blogger site, a little contribution to the crowded market of tech sages - I'm not claiming to be a single Authority on all things tech, this is just what I've seen, read and my thoughts on what has and hasn't worked for me. So whether it be a PC build for the newest titles, a retro gaming machine so you can finally complete Kung Fu Master (insert your own gaming nemesis here...) or other tech updates I hope I can provide a solution or some direction to your search.
Go Well!